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In the event of an emergency, Tenants shall evacuate their suite using the closest fire escape staircase.


The Tenant’s employees will accomplish the evacuation of handicapped persons from a fire area. Methods of removing the handicapped must be discussed and practiced well in advance of any occurrence. An updated list of handicapped employees should be provided by the Tenant and will be kept in the Management Office.

A cooperative effort is needed in every situation to achieve a safe stairwell evacuation.

Any employees that are handicapped need to be assigned to a "Buddy". This "Buddy" will be responsible for any assistance needed by the handicapped employee. A list of any employees requiring special assistance must be submitted to the Management Office so that any special evacuation aides required can be identified.

During an evacuation, individuals with restricted mobility should go to the nearest safe stairwell and seek assistance in entering the stairway system.

If possible, carry them in your arms or on your back. Kneel at the front of the wheelchair and place the person's arms up and over your shoulders and across your chest. Then lean forward before slowly standing.

If two persons are needed, use a basic swing carry. People position themselves next to the wheelchair and grasp each other's upper arm or shoulder interlocking arms. The assisted party places their arms firmly around each person’s neck. The people then lean forward, placing their free arms under the individual's legs and firmly grasping each other's wrists.

Should there be a person you are unable to remove from the building, move (drag) them to the closest stairwell. Stairs are considered "safe havens" for 2 to 3 hours. Inform the Fire Department of their location.


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