Overview Active Shooter Procedures Bomb Threat Civil Disturbance Earthquake Elevator Malfunction Emergency Contacts Evacuation Fire and Life Safety Fire Safety Team Procedures Flooding Homeland Security Medical Emergency Pandemic Preparedness Power Failure Severe Weather Sprinkler Break Terrorism Threats Toxic Hazards

The procedures reviewed below will provide the necessary information to aid Tenants in making intelligent preparatory decisions and contingency plans for various emergency situations.

The best method for avoiding emergency situations is to prevent the conditions that can lead to an emergency. The following is a list of some precautionary steps to note:

  1. Any flammable or combustible supplies should be kept off the premises.
  2. Extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring are not recommended.
  3. Appliances and cords should be kept in good repair.
  4. Do not allow employees to use space heaters; they are prohibited.
  5. If there is anyone in your office who requires special assistance in an emergency, assign specific persons in the office to this responsibility.
  6. Additional appliances should not be used without consent of the Management Office. The building's wiring was designed to carry normal electrical load and an additional load may result in heat generation which can cause a fire.
  7. Water should never be used on electrical, oil, gasoline or grease fires.
  8. Check that coffee makers are turned off at the end of each work day. This is one of the major causes of small fires in office buildings.
  9. Anyone spotting potential fire hazards in the building is asked to report them to the Management Office.
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