Overview:This section provides general information regarding the security coverage at Esplanade at Locust Point.
Active Shooter Procedures:This section provides instructions on what to do should there be an Active Shooter.
Bomb Threat:This section provides tenants with procedures for handling a bomb threat.
Civil Disturbance:This section provides instructions on what to do should a riot occur.
Earthquake:This section provides instructions on what to do in the rare occurrence of an earthquake.
Elevator Malfunction:This section provides instructions on what to do should an elevator malfunction.
Emergency Contacts:This section provides information on who to call in case of an emergency at Esplanade at Locust Point.
Evacuation:This section provides important instructions should a building evacuation become necessary.
Fire and Life Safety:This section outlines emergency fire procedures and provides an overview of the life safety systems in place at Esplanade at Locust Point.
Fire Safety Team Procedures:This section provides information regarding the fire safety team procedures at Esplanade at Locust Point.